October 2010
Hey guys!
It's been so long since I was last on here! Infact I think it was back just before Sims 3 was about to be released! Over the last few months a lot has being going on with me personally so my Simmies haven't been my top priority! :( Luckily, things are now getting a lot better and i'm determined to get back into it!
I haven't had a proper chance to try out all the different build tools that came with Sims 3 so over the last couple of weeks i've been playing about and decided to do something basic to begin with so here we have my first Sims 3 upload! Eep!
24 Delingi Avenue!
It's a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home with a kitchen/diner and living area. Usually on my personal builds I tend to concentrate on the interior design but this time I thought i''d take a little more time to make the exterior look pretty. My influence was my Gran as this is the kind of home she's always dreamed of so she is my inspiration for this lot!
Hope you guys like it & i'm looking forward to creating some more!! :D
Hugs! xo